We scale crypto teams
We can actually help you hire and retain elite engineering talent.
We can actually help you hire and retain elite engineering talent.
OPEN SOURCEOpen source software is the way of the future. We take pride in being up to speed on the latest Github projects and locating top committers and maintainers.
REMOTEThe daily 9-5 commute is dead. KJ partners with forward-thinking companies that empower engineering teams to work remotely, save the environment, and increase productivity.
BlockChainWe started geeking out on blockchain tech early. So our pool is as deep in its talent as it is in love for this technology and all its applications – present and future.
INFRASTRUCTUREWe know the right DevOps, SRE, and Infrastructure engineers to build your cloud systems and keep code moving through the CI/CD pipeline.
SecurityKeeping everyone safe is becoming a more difficult task for all companies. Our candidates are versed how new technology can be applied to security.
AI and mlYou can’t fake smart. We know that the future of tech will rely on AI applications and our candidates are up to the challenge.